Why Men Love Bitches: By Sherry Argov, Review, Meaning

Why Men Love Bitches

“Men subconsciously like a woman who is strong, confident, and has her own aspirations,” Sherry adds. “They don’t want needy, thirsty for approval women.” So, the trick to navigating new-age relationships is to cultivate a combative attitude “that will transform you from a doormat to a diva,” according to Sherry. Best-seller Sherry Argov, an American novelist and writer, explains why you need to discard the nice girl label in order to win the love match (Why Men Love Bitches).

Sugar and spice isn’t necessarily a good thing. A touch of hot and sour transforms a dull dish into a gourmet treat. Similarly, in the dating game, simply being polite to your partner will not make him more loyal; sometimes you must be the ‘nasty’ to walk down the Valentine route.

Why Men Love Bitches: Gen Z approved!

Who would have guessed that Gen-Z would be gathering information from a 2002 self-help book that has been pushed back onto the bestseller list because of TikTok? Why Men Love Bitches is a no-nonsense dating guide that urges women to be more forceful in their dating lives, promising to move them from “doormat to dreamgirl.” Its beliefs are the most recent niche subject matter to go viral on the video-sharing app. As a result, some two decades after its first publication, Sherry Argov’s book is now ranked ninth in The Times’ paperbacks chart. It reveals the potency of TikTok as well as the younger generation’s thirst for no-nonsense dating advice.

Why Men Love Bitches
Why Men Love Bitches: Review

Though the dating world in 2002, pre-Tinder, pre-Hinge, and pre-global pandemic, looked a lot different, Argov’s counsel certainly still connects with the TikTok crowd, even if they take it all with a grain of salt. There’s even a sequel for those who follow Argov’s “attraction principles” all the way to happily ever after Why Men Marry Bitches.

The hashtag: Why Men Love Bitches

Though the book promotes heteronormative ideology – teaching women to change their behaviour to “win over” men – that doesn’t sit well in 2021, the hashtag #whymenlovebitches has now been viewed 9.5 million times on the platform. The book is jam-packed with what Argov, a 43-year-old French writer based in Los Angeles, refers to as “attraction principles,” and the sometimes obvious, sometimes unexpected morsels lend themselves especially well to short-form TikTok video.

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Why Men Love Bitches Book: Why being always nice to guys is a big NO-NO?

Have you ever wondered why, despite putting your best image and foot forward and treating your dreamboat like a dream, he always appears to choose someone smart, sassier, and sexier — dubbed ‘The bitch?’ It could be because: »You make it too evident that you want to find a man and that your happiness is based on it. »You are unable to be alone. You don’t want to waste time looking for the appropriate person. Because of your impatience, you rush into a position you would not have selected otherwise.

Why Men Love Bitches book: Being a Strong Women is all that it takes

The prevalent belief is that strong, assertive women who represent a challenge terrify males. But the truth is that any extreme is unappealing. Extreme behaviour indicates insecurity, whether you are the overly aggressive kind or the dreamy, quiet type. On the contrary, nothing is more appealing than a lady who is proud of who she is. So, if you want to court the love of your life, be someone he wants. And he can’t want something that is so simply accessible. It doesn’t mean you have to be overly confrontational or defensive. Simply put, you must maintain control and keep him guessing. Furthermore, remember the golden law of relationships: you do not marry a perfect person. You marry a fascinating person. And Sherry shows you how to do just that.

What should a ‘Bitch’ NOT do?

-Call or regularly text him »
-Inquire as to where he is or what he is doing »
-Say something like, ‘You don’t call me enough,’ or ‘You never tell me you love me.’ Unpredictability is an advantage for you. Don’t make it easy for your loved one to decipher you.

  • Every night of the week, see a guy. A simple woman will not satisfy his competitive appetite » Everything he says is correct. A man becomes bored when he never expresses his views.
  • Go looking for him or track him down at three different locations where he stated he might be drinking. Allow him to track you down to be his “steady”
  • Get upset if he doesn’t phone you in four days. Rearrange your schedule so that you may spend time with him. Being considerate is more effective than being disrespectful. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on yourself.

What should a ‘Bitch’ DO?

  • Be Strong and Independent
    By being feminine and quietly strong, you may walk the balance between being scary and independent. Your spouse will be unable to read you if you do not telegraph or make clear what your strengths and weaknesses are. And when a man is unable to properly read a woman, he appreciates her more. It’s not a matter of demeanour; it’s a matter of self-control. A woman with self-control has authority, which attracts men.
  • Ensure you are the ONLY one in his life.
    Concerned about coming in second place in the love race? First, be sure you’re the one he’s madly in love with. Other women should not be an issue if he meets you and falls in love with you. If you are number two for an extended period, it indicates that there are “too many queens in the castle.” Then simply walk away. Tell him calmly that the relationship is “no longer interesting” and wish him the best of luck. This exudes self-worth and dignity, and it will astound him. This will usually get him to play straight and prioritise you. If not, it’s not a big deal. A man with a third wheel is never worthwhile to pursue.
    Be cheerful and upbeat.
  • Take care of yourself and your mental health. Do not look for happiness outside of yourself. Most importantly, try not to focus your energy on what others think of you; it drains your vitality. Others can no longer emotionally control you if you feel good on the inside. This kind of serenity and self-sufficiency is highly appealing. Men are accustomed to ladies who wear their hearts on their sleeves and go insane for the one they can’t control.
  • Follow your dreams.
    Concentrate on interests outside of the relationship. He doesn’t need to know how much you care about him. Men don’t want to compete with other men for your attention; they want to compete for your time since you aren’t available to him 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When he can’t manage you mentally or keep you involved in your own life, you become a lot more intriguing to be around.

Men don’t respond to words. What they respond to is no contact

The advice in Why Men Love Bitches is occasionally ridiculous, but most of the time obvious. After all, the term is merely another way of saying, “Treat them mean, keep them sharp.” Among Argov’s observations: “Men don’t respond to speech. What they respond to is no touch”; “The nice girl makes the error of always being available”; and “Men rule the world, but women rule the men.”
Though the dating world in 2002, pre-Tinder, pre-Hinge, and pre-global pandemic, looked a lot different, Argov’s counsel certainly still connects with the TikTok crowd, even if they take it all with a grain of salt. There’s even a sequel for those who follow Argov’s “attraction principles” all the way to happily ever after Why Men Marry Bitches.

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