To Selena With Love by Chris Pérez: Book Review

To Selena With Love

To Selena with love: Summary, Gist

To Selena With Love was created with her husband, Chris Perez, in mind. He revealed his deep feelings for Selena as an artist and as his wife, specifics of her last night and day with him, and even some of the sorrow and guilt that he has carried for so long. Selena’s father, Abraham, once referred to Chris as the Quintanilla family’s cancer; however, the true cancer was Yolanda Saldivar. There were numerous red signals, but everyone was too preoccupied and blinded to recognise them.

To Selena with love: Why Chris Perez Wrote It?

Chris became estranged from the outside world after Selena’s death, entering a condition of sadness in which he stopped eating, caring, and began abusing alcohol and narcotics. He wept in solitude, refusing to speak to the media or her fans. He believed that by responding, he would be embracing Selena’s death.

To Selena With Love
To Selena With Love in a book store

He recommends this book not only to Selena lovers, but also to individuals who have lost someone they love in an accident or via violence, and who may feel as if they are suffocating in their grief. We see horrible tragedies on the news on a regular basis, but we never imagine it might happen to us or someone we love. As we grow older, we know that life is fleeting and that tomorrow is never guaranteed. “Selena, I’m still dreaming of you,” Chris said towards the end of the book.

To Selena With Love- Book Review

Selena was a phenomenon who shared all of herself with her millions of dedicated followers. She was one of the most fascinating and adored performers in Latin music history. Her untimely death at the age of twenty-three robbed the world of her skill and limitless potential, her close-knit family of their adored angel, and her husband, Chris Perez, of the greatest love he’d ever known. Chris clung to the sole personal item he had left from his late wife for over a decade: the emotional and sometimes heartbreaking recollections of their extremely private bond. Chris now speaks up for the first time about their unbreakable friendship, forbidden love, and burgeoning marriage, all of which were cut short by Selena’s tragic death.

To Selena With Love- A rare glimpse onto her life

Chris clung to the sole personal item he had left from his late wife for over a decade: the emotional and sometimes heartbreaking recollections of their extremely private bond. Chris now speaks up for the first time about their unbreakable friendship, forbidden love, and burgeoning marriage, all of which were cut short by Selena’s tragic death.

To Selena With Love- The endless Love Of Chris Perez

Despite the fact that Selena Quintanilla died 25 years ago, the unending love between the Queen of Tejano music and her husband, Chris Pérez, is still alive and thriving. “I’ve never had the sort of love that I had with Selena,” Pérez, 51, said of his late wife, who was killed down in March 1995 at the age of 23 by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldvar. In the 1997 blockbuster film “Selena,” starring Jennifer Lopez, Selena and Pérez’s amor prohibido – her father originally disapproved of the romance — enthralled global viewers.

Selena’s way of being made him realise the power of being vulnerable. Like you’re going to take your heart out, figuratively, drop down on one knee, and hand it to that other person no matter what. And he had never done anything like that before.

The Netflix Series

. Their passionate love is now back in the spotlight, thanks to the critically lauded premiere this month of Netflix’s “Selena: The Series,” starring actress Christian Serratos in the title character. Pérez, who was the lead guitarist in his wife’s family band, Selena y Los Dinos, for six years, was not consulted or engaged in the production of the biographical drama, which was produced by Selena’s father and sister, Abraham and Suzette Quintanilla.
“You could gather all of us, the guys in the band and members of her family, and ask us to recount the complete tale of everything we went through together, and it would be the same storey done from a variety of different viewpoints.” And [‘Selena: The Series’] is their point of view,” Pérez explained, stressing that his removal from the Netflix production is most likely owing to previous legal disputes with his estranged in-laws.

“We haven’t communicated since the lawsuit,” Pérez stated, referring to the 2016 lawsuit filed by Abraham Quintanilla against him. The complaint was a successful attempt to halt a television production of Pérez’s memoir “To Selena, With Love,” which he wrote in 2012 in tribute to his killed sweetheart.

Chris Perez Remarriage

In 2001, six years after Selena’s death, Pérez married Venessa Villanueva, whom he met through a mutual friend. Before divorcing in 2008, the couple had two children, Cassie, 22, and Noah, 15.
Despite being totally immersed in his new life as a father, singer, and, more lately, hot-pepper-sauce entrepreneur, Pérez feels the pangs of Selena’s death every day.

Chris Is Still In Pain

Pérez recalls being in a “wonderful position” of love with Selena in the days preceding her murder. Saldvar murdered her in front of a Days Inn in Corpus Christi, Texas. Despite his grief, Pérez stated he has no ill will against Saldvar, who is presently serving a life sentence at the Mountain View Unit, a maximum-security women’s prison in Gatesville, Texas. In 2025, she will be eligible for parole.

To Selena With Love- Selena Comes In Perez’s Dreams

“It occurs on a daily basis.” “She comes to me… while I’m sleeping or daydreaming,” said Pérez, who is open to the idea of writing another book on life with and after Selena. He claims she tells him to “keep your head up.” “I constantly hear her talking to me,” he continued. “And, despite the fact that she was stolen from us at such a young age so many years ago, when I hear her spirit speaking to me, I hear who I feel she would be now, today, as if she’s been here with me all this time, sharing my life experiences.”

To Selena With Love on Instagram | Amanda Love | Namiko Love Browner | Naked Yoga

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