Ryoji Kaji: Bio, Age, Life, Wiki, Career, Anime

Ryoji Kaji

Manga are huge hits in Japan and due to its engaging storytelling uses with excellent depictions of the lead characters through art illustrations, the Japanese manga has risen up in the market and is translated in various languages especially English. One such popular manga from which the main character has an audience is Ryoji Kaji. Let us know about him in more detail.

Character Origins: Ryoji Kaji

Ryoji Kaji is a popular character from the manga Asuka Strikes. He is a fictional character in the manga franchise of ‘Neon  Genesis Evangelion’.  Later this manga was produced into an animated Tv show. He is a powerful hero who has the responsibility of stopping the Human Instrumentality Project. Ryoji is born in the manga storyline on 17th June, 1985. He is ranked as a special instructor in the NERV organisation at the Japanese Ministry of Interior. Ryoji loves Misato Katsuragi who tends to be his ex-girlfriend, but still he loves her and has a special corner on her.

Character Backhistory: Ryoji Kaji

Ryoji Kaji is a special instructor working for the NERV organisation who secretly works as a triple agent under Investigation for the Japanese ministry. In the manga, he is seen to be an easy and friendly persona. He has a very calm attitude and is always under extreme alertness. Ryoji has a crush on his ex-girlfriend with whom he had a good relationship in the college days but later broke up due to various reasons. He sees her again in the operation when she flies out to the UN fleet and reports herself in the NERV Headquarters. They both see each other and he tries to flirt with her but she is being quite too serious with him. She calls him ‘Idiot’, ‘stupid’ as they broke up but he still loves with whole heart and was waiting for that good opportunity.

Character Appearance: Ryoji Kaji

Ryoji is a handsome, tall 5 feet 10 inches person with a lean yet attractive physical build. He is always seen with a clean shaved face, which boasts beautiful green eyes with long hair. His hair falls on his face, and often as a habit, he surely flicks his head around to be more attractive among the female crowd. He usually ties his hair in a tail and is always seen with a stick in his mouth playing it around and giving alpha looks around,making him quite a person and flirt one may think.

Ryoji Kaji

Character Personality

Ryoji is a very friendly, happy-going guy throughout the manga. He is usually seen friendly flirting with his other female coworkers and with the help of  his sense of humour, he is always seen cracking jokes which were although lame but good enough to stay in touch with his female peers. He is a very good flirt and always smirking with his looks and smile but although he is very jovial in nature, he is a very responsible and mature person with various scenarios of him giving valuable tips and life lessons to his juniors and younger adults.

Character Popularity

The popularity of this character is huge despite him not being the protagonist. He plays a key role in this manga series and him being such a funny, easy to approach person makes him likeable among the female audience. He is a handsome middle-aged adult with addition of his flirting skills and communication cues, he is well known for his fan following not in Japan, but around the world.

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