Vijay Raghavendra, an Indian actor, mainly appears in Kannada films. Vijay, known as Chinnari Mutha, is the nephew of actor Dr. Rajkumar and the son of producer S. A. Chinne Gowda. Vijay began his career as a child actor in the 1982 film Chalisuva Modagalu. His later performances in the movies Kotreshi Kanasu and Chinnari Mutha won him recognition (1994). For the subsequent film, he was given the National Film Award for Best Child Artist.. His first Hero lead role was in Ramoji Rao’s 2002 film Ninagagi, one of the highest-grossing movies of the year and a commercial success.
Early life: Vijay Raghavendra
Vijay Raghavendra was born into a famous cinema family in Bangalore, India. He began acting in motion pictures with his uncle Rajkumar as the lead.. After appearing as a bad actor in about eight movies, Vijay received formal acting instruction in Chennai.
Movie Career: Vijay Raghavendra – ’80s to ’90s kid roles
In the love play Chalisuva Modagalu, directed by Singeetham Srinivasa Rao and starring his uncle Rajkumar, Ambika, and his cousin Puneeth Rajkumar, who was given the part of Master Lohith, in 1982, Vijay had a brief appearance as a young child. He co-starred in a song with his cousin Puneeth Rajkumar in the 1989 film Parashuram. After a brief hiatus, he made a cameo in Chi. Dattaraj’s 1991 version of the Hindi film Jawani Diwani, in which he co-starred with Shiva Rajkumar.
2002 to the present for adult roles: Vijay Raghavendra
In Ninagagi (2002), a box office smash that gained him success in his first part opposite Radhika, he played his first adult role in acting. The movie was a remake of the Telugu smash blockbuster Nuvve Kavali, which set a record by playing in theatres for more than 100 days. After this success, he signed on to star in two more films that same year, but they did not perform well at the box office. Since then, he has been in numerous films. His major films include Rishi, Khushi, Kaaranji, and Kallarali Hoovagi. In 2010, Vijay had no single releases. Shraavana, Vinayaka Geleyara Balaga, and the multi-star Kalla Malla Sulla were all finally released in 2011, and the last two were well-received. He appeared once more in the multi-star comedy Snehitaru in 2012, to mixed reviews at the box office. In 2015, he starred in the biopic Shivayogi Sri Puttayyajja, for which he received the Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor.
Private life
S. A. C The oldest child of producer Hinne Gowda and his wife Jayamma is Vijay. He has a younger brother named Sriimurali, a well-known Kannada actor. His paternal aunt Parvathamma Rajkumar was a well-known film producer and distributor in Kannada cinema. He is the cousin of the on-screen Rajkumars Shiva, Raghavendra, and Puneeth. He married Spandana, a Tulu woman and B. K.’s assistant commissioner of police. Shivaram, on August 26, 2007. Shourya, the son of the couple.
Volunteer Work
In 2013, it disclosed that he joined other Bollywood and foreign celebrities in the TeachAids program, a cutting-edge approach for global HIV prevention developed at Stanford University.
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