Elation EMR vs Intergy EHR – Top Features


About Elation EMR

For clinicians who require an ONC-ATCB certified EMR coupled with patient scheduling, a client portal, e-prescribing, and e-faxing, Elation Health is a cloud-based, clinically focused digital health record system. On a Mac or PC, you can access the comprehensive solution using a web browser. Providers specializing in small group primary care practices and providing long-term care should use Elation EHR software. Providers can access the patient’s complete medical history thanks to Elation’s three-pane health record view. Chronic issues are simple to identify in assessments and SOAP notes, and you can talk to the patient about them right away during the visit. To know more about Elation EHR, including Elation EMR reviews or Elation EMR pricing, you can schedule an Elation EHR demo. 

About Intergy EHR

On the other hand, we have Greenway health Intergy EHR. By providing cutting-edge technology, superior services, and strategic partnerships that enable our customers to expand profitably, maintain compliance, operate more effectively, and enhance patient outcomes, Greenway Health serves as a trusted advisor and fuels their success. The Intergy product ecosystem also provides fully integrated telehealth, patient monitoring, chronic care administration, client portal, and patient messaging services. Additionally, Greenway Secure Cloud offers access to the EHR and practice management system. Greenway offers a marketplace of suppliers in addition to its product line that offers extra integrated solutions for the best workflow efficiency. To know Intergy EHR pricing, you can schedule an Intergy EHR demo. 

Elation EMR Features

Electronic Prescriptions

The Elation EHR system is great since it can electronically send medications. Experts can safely create and send online prescriptions thanks to the program’s EPCS (Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances) clearance. Elation EHR reviews state that EPCS makes sure that the appropriate medications are administered to the appropriate patients at the appropriate times. Less medication and errors in writing lead to better medical outcomes. Elation EHR is one of the top EHRs for simple accessibility and is also web-based.

Clinical Recording and Writing

Customers can easily modify the pre-built templates in Elation EHR to suit their needs. According to Elation EHR reviews, the templates assist therapists in adhering to particular coding and legal standards. It is now simpler for them to keep track of client visits. As a result, you might spend less time taking notes and more time enhancing the health of your clients. The Elation EHR app allows you to use the programme while on the go. The program’s charting functionality, which also keeps a record of the entire customer visit, is where the charging process begins. You may automate your billing, reporting, and recording duties as a result. Additionally, you can programme the healthcare templates to complete the meeting form automatically.

Patient Portal

A patient’s medical history, present prescriptions, recent vaccinations, test results, diagnoses, and other significant data are all stored in Elation EHR’s patient portal. Customers can obtain the information they require in a secure manner using the web platform. Patients can schedule appointments, get medicine refills, pay bills, and review statements using this user-friendly client interface. This saves your employees time and money while preventing them from being disturbed at work. Patients are not required to wait until business hours to discuss their issues with practitioners, according to Elation EHR reviews. They can use this EMR Software in the cloud from any place as long as they have internet connectivity. The Elation EHR demo gives you the opportunity to browse the portal.

Intergy EHR Features

Prescriptions Management

Dashboards can be used by healthcare professionals to monitor the success of value-based care and pinpoint care gaps based on diagnoses, test findings, vitals, consultations, and risk categories. Intergy EHR dashboards feature fields that may be customized and display financial analytics at various levels. Under the Orders and Charges section at the top of the client record, new medications can be written and laboratory tests can be ordered.

Physicians can evaluate all current and former drugs in the patient’s record. Prescriptions can be added or renewed with ease by providers. Additionally, it is possible to choose particular often given drugs for particular diagnoses so that the programme will recommend that drug the next time a patient is identified with that illness. Intergy alerts users to potential drug interactions and allergic reactions.

Custom Routines

You can set up a number of unique Intergy routines to run concurrently with your regular practice procedures. You can use the actions and events features to create an automated sequence, for instance, to collect client copays at check-in. When a patient checks in, the programme then automatically verifies their insurance coverage and notifies the staff to receive their copay. Any healthcare practitioner looking for a software platform that can be tailored to their particular workflow will find Intergy to be a valuable EMR due to its automatic settings and adaptable design. It is simpler for all personnel to learn and acclimate to the new system after installation because every user can browse the software in a different method.

Appointment Scheduling

With columns at the top that may be sorted by provider, region, or other unique elements that you set up during implementation, the scheduling tool has a calendar in the style of a spreadsheet. The calendar makes use of your personal rules, which you can enable or disable for each individual user. These regulations control things like possible appointment types, visit lengths, and time slots. Each of these guidelines can be connected to certain suppliers or places. Additionally, the calendar can be set up to show appointments in a monthly view for the entire practice, a daily or weekly view for several providers and locations, or both. Other facilities including patient registration, appointment check-in, and an insurance eligibility confirmation check are also available under the scheduling tab.

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