Things to Expect When there’s a Baby on the Way


Remember Your Own Childhood

When you were little, your mother was the sweetest, most gentle person in your life. Until something happened that made her eyes go wild and her hair stand on end. You wondered: “what’s with her?” Well, parenthood. It’s hard, full stop. But it’s rewarding and necessary to be your fullest self as a person.

There’s a tradeoff, and most parents will say it’s definitely worth it. That said, if you can anticipate some of the strange things you’ll deal with as a new mom, that’ll make things less traumatic at minimum. Following are three tips to help you do that.

1. Social Interactions Change: You Transcend

The bar crowd no longer matters. Neither does the latest top forty hit on the radio. Movies? Who cares? What is the latest style? Well, it’s something. See, what we value before we achieve a higher level of consciousness as parents is lost as we realize it doesn’t matter. Styles come and go, so does popular entertainment.

Now granted, as you get past being a new mother and become more integrated in society again, you’ll likely take up some of your old trendy pastimes. They won’t be as important to you as they were, though, and that’s a good thing, because it means you’re concentrated on things that actually matter in life, as opposed to a bunch of attractive but pointless confetti.

2. There’s a Learning Curve to Breastfeeding

When you’re nourishing your newborn, you’re going to deal with unexpected impediments. Breastfeeding should be simple and straightforward, but what happens when you get a clogged breast milk duct?

Well, the link can help you determine the issue and what solutions would be. As a general rule of thumb, you want resources to help—and not just as regards breastfeeding.

3. There Are Always Surprises

Just as you did things that made your mom pull her hair out, your child will do the same; and what’s worse: you won’t be able to predict where the incident happens. It will just happen, and then you’ll have to deal with it. But just as your mom loves you, and forgave you, you’ll do the same for your newborn. Just be prepared for the unexpected.

Being Mentally Ready

Your newborn is going to puke on you when you’re socializing in public. Your elementary schooler is going to catch some woodland creature and let it loose in your home. You will be embarrassed, surprised, and knocked “off-kilter”. However, you’ll be wiser, stronger, and more able to handle such situations if you know they’re coming.

Know your social concerns and position in society will shift with parenthood. Know there’s a learning curve to breastfeeding, and motherhood in general. Surprises will always develop. When you know these things, though you might be briefly bamboozled by that which can’t be anticipated, you’ll always “land on your feet”, and handle the situation as needed.

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