How To Pay for Addiction Rehab with Insurance and Other Alternatives


Addiction: a lot of people usually perceive it as this nefarious thing that can completely take over your life, and although there is some truth to this sentence, it is also true that addiction can range on many distinct levels, depending on how intense it is, the chances of it completely taking over someone’s life range from low to high.

Something important to always keep in mind when we talk about addiction is the substance causing the problem. Alcohol, although not as addictive as drugs like cocaine, can still cause a lot of problems, but its use is often linked to a mental need more than a physical need. Drugs, on the other hand, are a lot more addictive and cause both physical and mental responses.

Even then, most substances that cause dependency in people can still cause symptoms related to withdrawal, which is the usual response of the body linked to the non-consumption of the substance itself.

Dealing with this problem can prove to be a challenge for a lot of people. Challenges related to addiction vary depending on each individual, and for some people even admitting a dependency is a challenge in and of itself! 

Others might not even consider the idea of going through treatment or receiving professional help. They are not aware of health insurance that can provide a lot of aid when paying for treatment. Read more about why you will need insurance here:

Furthermore, let us discuss how addiction is usually treated, and why having a health insurance policy help. 

Rehabilitation as a Method of Treatment

When it comes to addiction, one of the ways it is tackled is through rehabilitation. Also known as rehab, rehabilitation is the medical practice that relies on different techniques, all meant to reduce the overall dependency of the patient on the substance while guiding him or her to improve their lives and make the right decisions regarding their professional life, education, and general personal relationships, regardless of them being family, friends, or work-related acquaintances.

Rehabilitation also introduces healthy lifestyle changes linked to both mental and physical aspects. Exercising, for example, is a widely famous practice that can reduce anxiety levels in a person while enhancing motivation and focus, making it easier to remain disciplined. 

At the same time, thanks to approaches like psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, it is possible to reach a point where negative and intrusive thoughts, as well as negative behavioral patterns, are easily under control, enhancing the chances of rehabilitation working out.

The biggest challenge of rehab, however, frequently involves both having the motivation to go through the treatment while handling symptoms of withdrawal and paying for the treatment itself. Here are more information from about rehabilitation and alcohol abuse recovery.

Rehab is, Sadly, Expensive

Rehabilitation treatment tends to be expensive. Although it depends entirely on the type of treatment to be received, the longer the treatment takes, the more expensive it becomes. Added to that, medication and residential treatment can increase the overall pricing of the procedure, thus, making it a not so accessible form of treatment.

Consider that some rehab procedures can take from 30 to 90 to be completed. Because of the essence of addiction as a disease, as well as the symptoms, it tends to cause when the treatment begins (which frequently involves a detoxification process), 90 days is usually the most reliable timeframe for rehab treatment.

Imagine relying on a professional or facility for 90! No wonder why it is as expensive as it is, but we have alternatives!

Paying for Rehab with Insurance

A rehabilitation procedure involves several processes, as showcased over here, and an insurance policy does provide benefits and coverage for said processes. Usually, when it comes to rehab, health insurance can help you out with things related to:

  • Diagnosis, which helps up determine the best approach
  • Checkups, to see how treatment and medication are helping and checkup symptoms caused by withdrawal
  • Interventions, to provide insight to the patient regarding their dependency
  • Detoxification services, very necessary in most rehabilitation practices
  • Residential care, which provides a whole new range of advantages to people wanting to go through rehabilitation
  • Therapies like psychotherapy appointments or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy known as CBT are frequently used in most rehab procedures and are one of the best ways to handle the pre and post-rehab situation
  • Follow-up appointments, to keep the patient motivated while providing guidance
  • Access to medication

Overall, because addiction is considered a form of disease and mental condition, most of the time you can expect a health insurance policy to provide advantages to people regarding rehabilitation.

It is important, however, to have an idea of whether the provider of choice does cover rehabilitation, so there might be a lot of research involved in the adventure.

Most private companies and providers do cover these needs, though, and many providers even have plans such as the UMR insurance rehab centers that solely focus on specific forms of addiction, such as alcoholism, one of the most common, if not the most common form of addiction you can find.

Applying for Public Insurance

You also have the option of relying on a public insurance policy. These are considerably more affordable than other private options, but sadly, they are not accessible to everyone and at times, they might not cover as many needs as private alternatives.

Depending on your situation, however, you might opt for being admitted in a public plan, but you will need to read a lot of information regarding the requirements as well as whether the plans available in your area do cover addiction and rehab needs.

Usually, plans and benefits provided by the government are given only to those families and people who receive a low income or are struggling with problematic and undesirable situations, so if you believe you and your family can receive this benefit, you might as well give it a chance.

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