Acquiring, Storing, And Inventorying Resources are Part of Which NIMS Management Characteristic?

Acquiring, Storing, And Inventorying Resources are Part of Which NIMS Management Characteristic?

Choose the correct option of the following question given below and also read its comprehensive overview.

Question : Acquiring, storing, and inventorying resources are part of which NIMS management characteristic?

  1. Unified Command
  2. Accountability
  3. Incident facilities and Locations
  4. Comprehensive Resource Option


From the above choices, Option D is the right option for the given situation. The remaining three options doesn’t justify the given statement in any ways.

  • The option A, describes a common set of incident objectives and objectives. Thus, it is not the correct option.
  • The option B, it includes all the accountable resources in it. Accountability is answerable to external authority. It doesn’t includes acquiring and storing. Thus, it is not the correct option.
  • The option C, it facilities or deals with the incidentals facilities and locations. It oversees the places incident takes places. Thus, it is not the correct option.
  • We can clearly identify that the given statement in not suitable to any given followings. It is only relatable to the option D. Therefore, Comprehensive Resource Option is the right fit to it.

About NIMS Management

Nims Management is a systematic approach to manage all the incidents. The government of United States launched it with management program. This management system was launched in Year 2004. It was  brought for the management of incidents initially.  Considerate about the Incidents that take place in various departments of the organisation. This programs was featured with 14 different aspects. It deals with different kinds of incidents and briefing of it. It was created for meeting a purpose of the creation of the flexible framework. It ensures that all the working levels in the organisation comes together.

Three features of NIMS

Incident Command System (ICS)

  • This command system helps in the management of the risk incident.
  • It ensures the adaptation of the integrated structure.
  • It understands the demand of single and multiple incidents.

Emergency Operation Centre (EOC)

  • It is a centralised system or centre for the management of any emergencies.
  • It helps to coordinate the actions of Incident Command System
  • It is also known as central command system, created for the management of emergency.

Multi – agency coordination Groups (MACG)

  • It helps in the development of a common picture for all.
  • Common vision helps in taking the effective decisions.
  • It is also referred as a policy groups.

The 14 NIMS Management Characteristics are:

  1. Common Terminology
  2. Modular Organisation
  3. Management by Objectives
  4. Incident Action Planning
  5. Management span of control
  6. Incident Facilities and Locations
  7. Comprehensive Resource Management
  8. Integrated Communications
  9. Chain of command and Unity of Command
  10. Accountability
  11. Information and Intelligence Management
  12. Dispatch / Deployment
  13. Unified Command
  14. Establishment and transfer of command.

If we talk about the from the above following Statement it related to the CRM characteristics.

What do means by acquiring, storing and inventory resources?

Acquiring resources:

  • It means the allocation of the team members and physical resources.
  • Resources essential for the completion of the task.

Storing resources:

  • Storing resources includes the resources that are related to warehouse and logistics.
  • In formal terms physical device is an another storing character.

Inventory resources:

When we talk about inventory it takes around 5 major resources:

  • Physical resources
  • Human resources
  • Equipment resources
  • Animal
  • Financial resources

About Comprehensive Research Management

CRM is an management technique which deals various aspects of the organisation. It is itself a in-depth topic to read about. It deals with the following listed categories:

  • Identifying recruitments
  • Order and Acquire
  • Mobilizing
  • Tracking
  • Reporting
  • Demobilizing
  • Restocking of resources

CRM deals with the management of the all resources. Whether it is personnel, supplies or facilities it includes all.  It ensures the date accuracy and reliability.

This is one of the characteristics of the National Incidental Management System. It deals with the acquiring of resources within an organization.

Acquiring includes team members and physical resources. It is counted to be responsible for the storing resources which and inventory resources.

The storing resources includes resources like physical device to store files. The inventory resources  includes the five major kind of resources.

It ensures that they have all the required resources for the completion of the project. They even check on the optimization and utilisation of the resources.

From the identification of the required resources to the following steps. It considerate about each and everything.

It is one of the most important pillar of the NIMS. Allocation of the resources is the one thing of CRM.

Top 10 Benefits of Comprehensive Resource Management

  • It deals with the acquiring of resources within an organsiation.
  • It deals with the storing of resources in an organisation.
  • It ensures the management of inventory resources.
  • Responsible for the allocation of physical and human resources.
  • Deals with mobilizing and demobilizing of the resources. It perform both the activities.
  • It takes care of the restocking of resources.
  • It is featured under the 14 characteristics of National Incidental Management System.
  • It helps in tracking and reporting of the resources to the management.
  • It ensures the placement of order and it’s acquisition.

Key Points

  • Nims Management is an systematic approach to manage all the incidents in an organisation. The government of United States launched with management program.
  • The given statement with the following options relates to CRM characteristics.
  • NIMS – National Incidental Management System.
  • The remaining features given in the following are applicable to some other resources.  The possible reason they are not the correct option for the statement is their differences.
  • There are other 14 characteristics but, still it deals with CRM. All the 14 features have their own role to play in NIMS.
  • CRM deals with the acquiring, storing and inventory resources.
  • CRM deals with the management of the all resources whether it is personnel, supplies or facilities. It ensures the date accuracy and reliability.


The given statement with the following is a part of Comprehensive Resource Management. Through this article, you must have agree to the point that why it favour CRM. There are other 14 characteristics but, still it deals with CRM. All the 14 features have their own role to play in NIMS. A single topic which contains a bunch of knowledge to share. For the given statement, the option D seemed to be the right fit. Similarly, numbers of questions can be generated from this topic for the students.

We hope that this content have fulfilled your needs. We suggest to go through the remaining characteristics to understand the concept of NIMS. The remaining options given in the following are applicable to some other resources. The possible reasons why they are not the correct option for the statement is their differences.

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