Tips to Crack SSC CGL Exams Using Previous Year’s Question Paper


The Staff Selection Commission holds the Combined Graduate Level Exam to recruit candidates for Group B and Group C positions in the Government of India’s various departments. All SSC CGL postings offer excellent chances for professional growth and improvement. Candidates should be aware that every position available through the SSC Combined Graduate Level exam provides opportunities for advancement within the organisation. Jobs for income tax inspectors, CBI sub-inspectors, tax assistants, and assistant section officers are frequently advertised.

What are the SSC CGL Exam?

In 1975, the Staff Selection Commission was constituted. The Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE) is a test that the Indian government uses to hire people for various positions in its ministries, departments, and organisations. The Staff Selection Commission divides the exam into four levels. For the first two tiers, the Combined Graduate Level test is given online. The paper-and-pencil format is used for the next two tiers of the exam.

The Staff Selection Commission has released the eligibility criteria for the Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC). The SSC CGL 2022 age restriction, age relaxation, and educational qualification criterion. 

  • Candidates in the general category must be 18 years old or older, with a maximum age of 32 years. 
  • Candidates in their last year of graduation are also eligible for SSC CGL if they show their passing certificate and mark sheet within the SSC board’s prescribed deadline. 
  • The SSC CGL salary is higher than that of any other employment on this pay scale. 
  • Another crucial factor to consider is job stability. It is one of the most secure positions available to applicants.

How Do You Ace The SSC CGL Using The Previous Year’s Question Paper?

For those preparing for the exam, the SSC CGL previous year question paper is a highly valuable study resource. Every year, millions of people apply for this exam, but only a small percentage of those who pass receive an opportunity to work for the government. To improve your grades, you should use these as practice papers. 

The SSC CGL previous year question papers are quite useful in gaining an understanding of the types of questions that are asked, the test pattern, and the level of difficulty of the questions. There’s also a probability that the question pattern from these papers will be repeated, albeit with minor changes. As a result, practising SSC CGL previous year question questions is critical if you want to do well in the forthcoming exam.

Solving SSC CGL previous year question papers may help you grasp the exam pattern, difficulty level of questions, and topics with the most weightage, which can help you enhance your score significantly. The syllabus for the SSC CGL exam is divided into four phases, which are referred to as Tier I, II, III, and IV. Tiers 1 and 2 of the SSC CGL 2022 are online, whereas Tier 3 is a descriptive pen and paper test, and Tier 4 is a computer skill test. 

For each erroneous answer on the Tier I exam, you will be docked 0.50 points, and for each incorrect response on the Tier II exam, you will be docked 0.25 points. Candidates will be allowed 60 minutes to complete Tier 1, and 120 minutes to complete Tier 2. In SSC CGL 2022, Tier 3 will be granted an hour and Tier 4 will be given 15 minutes for each module. The syllabus and exam schedule for the SSC CGL has remained the same this year.

For better success, you’ll need schedules, planning, more practice, and preparation. Mentors at BYJU’s Exams Prep can teach candidates about the exam format, study approach, preparatory ideas, sample tests, previous years’ question papers, and topic expertise. Time management, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills are all required for exams like these. As a consequence, you’ll have access to study materials designed for motivated candidates that can help you achieve your goal.

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