The Best Instagram Worthy Cafes in Singapore – Fun, and Fresh


If you’re looking for a perfect place to spend an afternoon getting your Instagram on, look no further than the cafés listed below. These cafes are not only great places to visit with friends but also offer some of the best Instagram-worthy food in Singapore! If you follow us on Instagram, you probably already know that we are big fans of cafés. They provide a great opportunity to people-watch and sip your coffee or tea while watching the world go by. The café culture has also boosted our local art scene, with many galleries and artist incubators being set up around town. So if you’re looking for a new spot to catch up with friends, be sure to check out these 5 of the best Instagram Worthy Cafes in Singapore.

Caffe Lena, Singapore (coffee and tea only)

Coffee is one of the oldest beverages on the planet, and it has been a part of daily life in many parts of the world for hundreds of years. If you’re lucky, you may have even traveled to one of the many coffee-producing countries to experience the real thing for yourself! Coffee shops are the perfect place to sip your morning coffee, midday tea, or your evening coffee and dessert. What’s even better is that most coffee shops in Singapore offer a selection of coffee and tea options, meaning you can choose from a variety of cuisines to flavor your brew. One of our all-time favorites, Caffe Lena is known for its coffee that is rich, smooth, and bold. If you’re a coffee nut, this place is a must-visit.

Coffee Bean & Barista, Singapore

We love coffee shop chains, and Coffee Bean & Barista is one of the biggest coffee shops in the world. What’s great about this place is that it is not only a coffee shop but a barista school as well. So, yes, you can learn to make coffee here too. What makes this coffee shop particularly Instagram-worthy is that you can choose from a variety of coffee and pastries, as well as have your photos developed at the same time. This is the ultimate convenience!

Cafe Bali, Singapore

Coffee shops have come a long way since their inception in the 1960s when they were usually only found in high-end hotels. Since then, the café industry has evolved from being a staid and conservative sector to being one of the most exciting and forward-thinking industries in society today. If you’re looking for a place to escape for a few hours or days, Cafe Bali in Singapore is the place to go. With a variety of nice cafes to choose from, this is the perfect place to unwind after a long day.

Tasting Table, Singapore

Tasting tables are the perfect opportunity to try a variety of things while you wait for your food to cook. What’s great about Tasting Tables is that you’re not only served a variety of food but also given the opportunity to take photos of your meal! There are plenty of Tasting Tables in Singapore, but we like the one at Central Tavern because it is located in Little India. What makes this place so special is that you are actually served food at the same time as you take pictures of it. What’s even more fun is that you can take photos of your meal and send them to your friends via social media.

AQUA CAFÉ, Singapore

This should come as no surprise to readers of this blog, but we’re big fans of the aquatic café movement. And, luckily, AQUA CAFÉ is just around the corner from our hometown, Marina Bay. This place is like an Italian oasis on the bay, with its refreshing and delicious drinks, gorgeous gardens, and very Instagram-worthy water features.

Coffee shops are ideal places to spend a relaxing day with friends, catch up on some work emails, or just hang out with your colleagues. These cafes also offer an ideal opportunity to try new foods and beverage options. When you’re looking for a new and interesting place to visit, check out one of these five Instagram-worthy cafés in Singapore.