Supporting Your Child’s Natural Immunity with Nutrition


If your little one often gets sick then it is the right time to review its menu. Proper nutrition and eating certain foods rich in vitamins and trace elements can improve the immune system and help fight infections. They will strengthen the baby’s immune system and help it resist diseases at any time of the year. 

To support a child’s immunity, it is necessary to give it products rich in vitamin A. You should include carrots, pumpkin puree, liver, and eggs to ensure a kid receives enough vitamin A.  Vitamin B normalizes general metabolism and positively affects hematopoietic processes, which ultimately improves a baby’s health. The element is found in dairy and meat products, cereals, leafy and leguminous vegetables, and seafood. 

Vitamin C strengthens children’s immunity incredibly well. First of all, products containing this element are fresh vegetables and fruits. You need to cook vegetables and fruits with minimal heat treatment to not destroy the volatile vitamin C. It is necessary to feed the child vegetables and fruits regularly.

However, not only do the products matter but the eating schedule is also important. The regular scheme of breakfast-lunch-dinner is not suitable for kids. Lunch, or a second breakfast and afternoon tea should be added to these mandatory meals. The point is that a child needs more energy during the day than an adult so healthy snacks for babies are a good supplementation during meals. Let’s dive deeper into the process of supporting kids’ immunity. 

Vitamins and Trace Elements to Improve the Child’s Immunity

Every kid needs a balanced diet containing nutrients to support immunity and enrich the body with energy. For instance, 

  • Vitamin A helps to strengthen the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract so that they successfully resist foreign microorganisms
  • Vitamin C contributes to the production of interferon thus preventing the reproduction of microbes
  • Vitamin E helps increase the body’s immunity to disease-causing viruses and bacteria

There is also a group of microelements that help increase immunity:

  • Zinc – it participates in the synthesis of enzymes that protect against the influence of microbes
  • Iron – it contributes to the formation of increased immunity. As a result, microorganisms cannot enter, because they die on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract
  • Selenium helps to increase the production of killer cells that destroy pathogens of various diseases that enter the body

In case, with fruits and vegetables which you can add to the kid’s menu with no doubts, you should consult a pediatrician if you wanna include additional food supplementation to the child’s diet.

If there are no signs a baby requires extra vitamins, you just take care of the products that enter its body. For example, the fruits should be clean and fresh, meat should be heat treated, the meals should be taken on schedule and between them there should be snacks for babies so a kid is not hungry during the day.

Additional Methods of Strengthening the Immunity

Follow the Regime

Compared to adults, children have an accelerated metabolism. Therefore, children get exhausted faster. It is important to choose the correct daily regimen depending on the kid’s age because a kid should not be exhausted and overtired. Do not forget that children grow in their sleep. For good health, babies should sleep twice a day because proper rest affects the cells of the immune system and helps to increase immunity.

Proper Clothes

Children’s body temperature and heart rate (up to adolescence) are higher than in adults. Therefore, when you are warm, a baby is hot.

The Tension of the Vocal cords

Oddly enough, singing and reading aloud are excellent methods of preventing angina. At the same time, it is necessary to drink water to avoid dryness in the throat.

Prevention of Parasites

Every six months, it is worth checking the child’s body for the presence of parasites. 

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