6 Ways to Prepare Your Garden for Summer


As we slowly make our way into the summer months, it’s time to start preparing your garden. The good news is that you don’t need to be a professional gardener to get your garden ready for the summer months. Simply follow our advice below to turn your garden into a sanctuary you can enjoy when the weather improves:

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  1. Look at Your Garden Furniture

Lots of us forget to pack away our garden furniture when the weather turns wet and cold. This can lead to our furniture becoming brittle or damaged. So, before the summer months return, check all your furniture to see which items need to be replaced and which ones need to be repaired. 

While you may think replacing garden furniture will cost a lot of money, this isn’t always the case. In fact, there are lots of sites where you can buy garden furniture to update your gardens for less, such as sun loungers from VidaXL.

  1. Paint the Fence and Shed

Before the summer comes, it’s a great idea to give your shed and fence a revitalized look of health and color. To do this, you simply need to paint your fence and shed in a color of your choice. While this may take a bit of time to complete, it will be worth the effort. 

  1. Clean the Summer Essentials

Over the winter months, your garden equipment will become dirty. This includes things like your garden furniture and your BBQ. Thanks to this, it’s a good idea to spend some time cleaning these items, so they are ready for you to use in the summer. 

  1. Look After Your Lawn

Nothing makes a garden look more appealing than a neatly mown and cared-for lawn. So, before the summer sunshine arrives, get out your lawn mower and give your grass a cut. As well as this, it’s also a good idea to check for any patches of grass that might need re-seeding. 

  1. Remove Weeds

Very few people stay on top of their weeds during the winter months. After all, who wants to go outside pulling up weeds when it’s cold and wet? The good news is that this is an easy job to complete when the weather starts to improve. 

Removing weeds from your garden will not only make your garden look tidier and more appealing, but it will also stop the weeds from stealing vital nutrients from your lawn and plants. 

  1. Sow Some Seeds

If you want to make your garden more colorful this summer, consider sowing some seeds before the summer months. Professional gardeners will tell you that late spring or early summer is the perfect time to do this. However, before you start planting, it’s essential to remove dead plants and any old leaves and branches from your flower beds. 

When winter starts to turn into spring, the inside of your home isn’t the only area that needs looking after. Alongside your spring cleaning, it’s also time to think about tidying up your garden, ready for the summer months. Whether you’re a keen gardener or giving it a go for the first time, why not try out some of our tips above? 

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