Morticia Addams Costume: Life, Creative, Touch, Fashion

Morticia Addams Costume

Morticia Addams is the matriarch as well as pioneer of her sinister family. She is also the crew member who is least likely to do something pleasant. She favours and sometimes even motivates her family’s harsh and brutal ways! You’d think that as the spouse and mother, she’d be more liberal and lovable, but Gomez isn’t the most stern member of the family! Morticia is set in her aspects and prefers to stay that way.

Morticia Addams Costume Personality And Mannerisms

She possesses a few musical skills and enjoys feeding her meat-eating plant, Cleopatra. Her presence corresponds to the colour of her dark soul! She has lengthy, gorgeous black hair. If you look deeply into her eyes, you can see a haunting glow that indicates her sinister nature. She likes smoking—not cigarettes or cigars, but something that comes from beneath her feet. She can effortlessly entice her spouse by speaking French and is passionate about music, frequently playing the shamisen.

She removes the rosebuds and discards them, keeping only the stems. She has a carnivorous plant named Cleopatra that she enjoys feeding. She also wishes for her family to carry on the Addams old traditions. She is genuinely shocked when one of the clan members deviates from what we would consider normal behaviour.

Morticia Addams Costume

How To Dress Up As Morticia Addams?: Morticia Addams Costume

This Halloween, accept your witchy side by dressing up as Morticia Addams, the mother of The Addams Family! Prepare your wishlist and head to your nearest Halloween store! To begin, you’ll need a long, dark gothic dress in the style of Morticia.

Then came a long, straight black hairpiece and white face makeup. You can find a ring similar to Morticia’s and a pair of black pumps at an outfit shop or thrift store. Finally, finish the look with red lipstick as well as red nail polish!

Gather your own creepy squad to cosplay as the whole Addams Family by dressing up as Gomez Addams, Wednesday Addams, as well as Pugsley Addams! Send a photo of your gang dolled up so it can be introduced to The Addams Family costume gallery. One designed especially for the craziest of the weirdos!

Little More About Morticia Addams

Even though most people believe it is her husband, Gomez Addams, Morticia is the true face of The Addams family. Morticia has a burning urge for her kids, Wednesday Addams as well as Pugsley Addams, to carry on the Addams family tradition of being crude and simply evil.

Morticia was flawlessly represented by Cher. Nobody would have done what Huston did, from the way she moved with such ease around the rooms of that estate to the passionate way she spoke to Gomez. Although it may not have seemed like it, the actors had to spend a lot of time getting into character. There is a particular level of creepiness that comes into a role when they are playing someone who embraces gloom and despair.

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