Mojini V3 Login, Application Status And Mojini Status

Mojini V3

In Karnataka, you may quickly ascertain the survey number of any plot of land. With the help of mojini v3 Login application number, registered users can check the status of survey documents on the official websites and You have the ability to download survey documents using E View.

What is Mojini v3?

With the use of the Mojini tool and internet access to land records, farmers in Karnataka may now monitor the status of their online Mojini v3 Login. The Karnataka government is behind this application which can be used in an Android app and a digital web portal. This application allows farmers to obtain copies of certain land survey records without repeatedly visiting government offices.

  • Anyone in Karnataka can use gadgets, PCs, and mobile phones to check the Mojini’s Status application’s result at any given time. Please take a look at this post.
  • In Karnataka, you may easily find out a plot of land’s survey number. Users can check the status of survey documents on the official websites, and, by entering their application number.
  • Survey documents are available for download through E View. The original survey documents can be yours by making an electronic payment.

Mojini v3 login

To find out Mojini v3 login follow the procedure below:-

Features of Mojini V3

  • The Karnataka government offers an Android app and the digital website Mojini. It eliminates the need for farmers to visit government offices in order to obtain copies of certain land survey records. Karnataka farmers can now check the progress of their online Mojini’s applications by using the its progress tool and having internet access to land records.
  • To see the status of your Mojini’s application, you must go to the Mojini’s official website and select the Application status option. Enter the required data (search by survey number, application number, or cell number) to determine the status. Just follow these instructions.
  • The partition of survey numbers into several subdivisions on agricultural land is referred to as phodi. It is now mandatory in Karnataka to prepare a Land Podi before purchasing or disposing of any agricultural land.
  • For greater clarity of the land, I have implemented the Phodi system on my land. The survey department’s official authority members are in charge of implementing the Phodi system. Phodi must be completed in order to register land at the Registrar’s Office. Phodi is not optional.
  • In the event of Dharkast Land—land granted by the government—Dharkast Podi is necessary. Without Dharkasth Podi, land cannot be purchased, sold, or put to other uses other than agriculture.

Mojini V3 History

It was said that the Mojini’s V3 was created internally. Documentation on internal competencies, the business case or justification for it, government approval, the amount spent, the requirements, timeliness, and the testing protocol has not been upheld. Consequently, a system with insufficient separation of roles without infallible protection against unauthorised changes and insufficient oversight of backup and recovery protocols.

In order to execute any mutation, the Karnataka government developed the pre-mutation (11e) sketch system in 2006 and mandated its submission (of particular kinds, such as partition, sale, or gift) entailing portions of a survey identification number.

How Mojini V3 came into effect?

A web-based application programme known as “Mojini-V3” was created by the SSLRD in 2007 to control the reception of applications, assign work to licenced or government surveyors, record fee receipts, and provide management with reports from the Management Information System (MIS). Processing of pre-mutation and estrangement sketches alone was done initially were covered by this platform. It was used in each of the 830 Nadakacheries can be found in 786 hoblis out of Karnataka’s 203 talukas. An updated version of the programme was released on November 1, 2013, and it includes the process of releasing “phodi” and “hadbust” sketches as well.

The purpose of the application’s introduction was to make the complete procedure of releasing drawings clear-cut and mechanised, and was basically on the First-in-Principles-First-out (FIFO). Additional benefits mentioned within the system were simplifying the processes entailed in the arrangement and publication of drawings and removing any bias phases to guarantee a quicker provision of services to citizens, a decrease in corruption, a place to automated monitoring of application status via the internet or SMS, safety of goes through biometric access, gradual cleansing of Bhoomi information, and gradual recreation of non-current or flawed survey data.

Different Procedures to Verify Application Status

Procedure 1: Use the Mojini v3 website to Verify Status

  • To utilise the web interface, navigate to
  • Click to select the Application Status.
  • By using your registration number, phone number, or survey number.
  • You have three options to find out the status.
  • Select and enter the application number.
  • Click to select “Get Status”.

Procedure 2: Check Status with the Mojini’s App

  • You need to download the Mojini’s App for Android from the Google Play Store.
  • After launching the app, select the View Mojini Request Status button.
  • Select if you like to use the application number, survey number, or cellphone number to check the status.
  • Once the Details has been entered, choose “Get Status.”

Procedure 3: To view the outcome, visit

  • To view the Land data Karnataka website, click to
  • Scroll down to find Other services>, then choose Mojini.
  • The following website will now be displayed to you:
  • Click on Application Status and select the most current entry. Look up the status of a mobile number.

Checking Mojini Allotment Status

To find out the status of your Mojini’s Allotment, follow the directions on the official Bhoomojini Karnataka website.

  • To visit the official website, go to
  • Select the Allotment Status option after that.
  • Select an option from the survey, mobile number, or application.
  • To view the status, provide the required information.
  • Enter it to view the status depending on the application number.

Checking the 11e sketch application status

To examine the 11E, Alienation, and Phodi drawings, follow the instructions below:

  • Step 1: Go to the Karnataka Mojini’s government official website. The actual URL is
  • Step 2: Click the “View” button on the homepage.
  • Step 3: Enter the application number.
  • Step 4: Select 11E-Phodi-Alienation from the list.
  • Step 5: Choose Sketch View at the very end.

What Mojini V3 Does?

There are many features and services of Mojini V3 which it provides to its users, so we have written some of them below:

  • Status of Application: If you are a user then you can enter your application number on this platform to check the status of your application of different services related to land like partition, conversion, phodi and other.
  • Status of Allotment: You can also check the status of your allotment of land and for that you have to just enter your application number.
  • Sketch of land: This platform has a feature in which users can view their land sketch, for example they can view phodi sketch, alienation sketch and other sketch.
  • Revenue maps: Another feature of this platform is that it allows its users to view their village map along with that they can get more details of revenue like survey detail.
  • Disput Cases: This platform has a service by which you can check the records of dispute cases of land in the district or taluk.
  • Reports of MIS: You can also check the reports of different types related to land like conversion, mutation and other.
  • Circulars: This platform allows user to read the circular of different matters related to land administration which issued by SSLR department 

Benefits of Mojini V3

There are many benefits of Mojini V3 for government and it is beneficial for public as well we have some of the benefits below: 

  • Transparency and accountability: It brings transparency and accountability, this platform provides all the documents and information on its portal related to land, this platform also keeps the record of transactions.
  • Efficient and Convenient: You can use this platform for your convenience, for example, you don’t have to visit any office or place for getting information related to land, so that’s how it brings convenience by saving your time and traveling cost. You can fill your application online which is good in the terms of sustainability and you can apply for other services like getting sketches of the land.
  • Accurate and Credible: This platform uses the latest digital technology which brings accuracy in the data or records of the land which makes this platform credible.


1. How can I check the status of my Mojini v3 application?

To check the status of your Mojini’s application, click this link: Bhoomojini, Karnataka, Click Application status and then tap Get status after choosing the application number and typing it.

2. What is the official website of Mojini’s portal?

The official website is

3. An 11e drawing is what?

A property’s section that is up for sale is represented by an 11 E sketch.

4. What is Maharashtra mojini’s name?

Land surveying is called mojani in Marathi.

5. What is the survey’s Podi?

Division of Survey Numbers into Different Sub divisions is known as PODI of Agricultural Land. Officials from the Survey Department carry it out. As of right now, Karnataka requires Land Podi to be completed before purchasing or selling any agricultural land.

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