A Beginner’s Guide to Get Started with Golang


Apart from Java and Python, one of the most in-demand languages is Golang or Go. Developed by Google, Golang is an open-source programming language that is great for constructing easy-to-use programs. Ever since its inception in 2007, the popularity of the programming language has exponentially increased. It was awarded the honor of “Language of the Year” in 2016. According to Forbes, it is one of the highest-paying programming languages. Golang is steadily making its way into more organizations globally. This article will offer a deep insight into different aspects of the popular programming language scraping app store.

Characteristics of Golang:

It is an Open-Source Programming Language – Golang is an open-source programming language, making it accessible to everyone. Anyone can download it for free to try out new codes and experiment with different programs. Moreover, users can implement Go to fix any errors or bugs present in the program. 

It is Compatible with Multiple RDBMS – The universal programming languages are compatible with multiple Relational Database Management Software. One of the best databases to work on your Golang project is MySQL. It allows users to manage to add, retrieve or manage data conveniently. If you want to use Go with MySQL, you can do so by following these instructions

It Offers Static Typing – Go allows users to compile their code precisely while considering the type conversions at hand. This programming language feature makes it easier for users to find errors. Moreover, it also prevents users from facing common difficulties with dynamically-typed programming languages.

It Packs in Impressive Testing Capabilities – Apart from writing unit tests paired with application codes, Golang also supports understanding code coverage and benchmark results. Users can also write sample codes to create their documentation. 

It Features a Powerful Library and Offers A Wide Range of Useful Tools – Golang offers a potent standard library to its users. There are so many valuable components available that developers do not need to use third-party packages or tools. Besides these, numerous valuable tools are available that maximize the development process’s efficiency.

Golang’s Fundamental Terminologies:

Extension – The very first thing to know about Golang is that its source code is stored in files featuring the “.go” extension. The name does not allow the inclusion of special characters or spaces. 

Keywords – Specific words that offer a unique function are called Keywords. Similar to other programming languages, Golang keywords function similarly. However, as compared to other languages, Go features significantly lesser keywords. Some of the most-used ones include – break, import, struct, func, etc. 

Identifiers – Identifiers are programmer keywords, i.e., programmers can choose to assign functions to certain elements. Identifiers are case-sensitive. Golang features 36 pre-declared identifiers. A few examples are – append, bool, int32, uintptr.

Variables and Data Types – As the name suggests, a variable is a value that the programmer can change during execution. Coming to data types, Golang features four primary data types.

Operators – Pre-defined symbols that perform a particular task or mathematical operation are called operators. The three types of operators in Go are logical, bitwise, and arithmetic. 

Strings – In Golang, a collection of bytes is called Strings. Users can create strings by inserting a specific set of characters within double quotes. The two kinds of strings in Go are interpreted and raw strings. 

Times and Dates – The “time” package provides users the feature to measure and display the time. Similarly, the ‘date” package offers the option to display the date.

Concepts of Golang:

Like any other programming language, there are numerous concepts that Golang features. However, here are some of the most fundamental ones:

Control Structures – Golang presents a simplified version of control structures to programmers and developers. Instead of using the “do” or “for” loops, Golang implements “for” and “switch” loops which are more flexible. This programming language does not introduce any new or updated control structures. Some control structures are – if-else, switch, select, switch-case, for-range, etc. 

Functions – The building blocks of the programming language are Functions. They break down major issues into smaller, more manageable blocks to allow users to reuse the code. There are three types of functions in Golang, namely normal functions, anonymous or lambda functions, and methods. 

Maps – A commonly-used data type in Golang is Maps. As the name suggests, maps map specific keys to their respective values. You can look up certain elements and retrieve or delete data using this data type. 

Arrays & Slices – Although arrays are not common in Golang because of their inflexibility, they are often used during coding. On the other hand, Slices are very commonly used and offer valuable functionalities to the user. 

Golang is a powerful language perfect for creating simple and reliable programs. It is a simple programming language that packs in a lot of potential. To get started with Golang, keep the basic concepts in mind and start practicing by writing basic codes and programs.

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