What Items qualify for eWaste recycling?


Did you know that your home may contain electronic waste? Most people don’t know how to identify electronic waste. Do you know what items qualify for e-waste recycling? The spectrum of electronic items is wide and varied. 

E-waste is any electronic item containing a battery, circuit board, light source, storage device (memory card), or an image (monitor screen) display. Many electronic devices also contain lights and motors. The amount of discarded electronic items is growing rapidly. 

Electronic waste (e-waste) has become a worldwide issue because they are made with harmful materials that can be reused and recycled. If you are looking for a quick way to get rid of old electronics, you can contact e-waste Orange County for the best services.  

Items that Qualify for E-waste Recycling

The items that qualify for e-waste recycling vary based on your items. The most common items that you find in an average home are;

1. Computer Hardware (CPUs)

CPUs are components in a computer that, at their core, are electronic circuits. These parts are typically made with metal and silicon. The plastic housing is primarily used to protect the circuit board. Recycling them is easy, as they are small and can be placed in a bin.

2. Computer Peripherals (Keyboards and Mice)

Computer peripherals are similar to the items you find on a common computer keyboard and mouse. These items are mostly plastic with some metal wiring. The plastic housing is mainly used for the protection of the circuit board. It is important to remember that some keyboards with circuit boards also contain batteries or light sources, which can be recycled.

3. Computer Monitors

Monitors essentially act as display devices for computers. This can be seen through the monitor’s interface, usually a desktop or laptop visible on the screen. Monitors contain cathode ray tubes, which can be hazardous to the environment if not properly disposed of. 

4. Cell Phones, Smartphones, and Tablets

Cell phones, smartphones, and tablets are also considered e-waste items. The battery on these devices can harm the environment if not removed properly. 

5. Small Electronics and Appliances (Cell Phones, MP3 Players, Digital Cameras)

These are the basic electronics that most people have in their homes. E-waste recycling companies also accept phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, and monitors. 

6. Televisions

In addition to televisions, e-waste recycling companies also accept large-screen televisions, Xboxes, PlayStations, and other gaming systems. These systems can contain small circuit boards and should be recycled properly.

The E-waste Recycling Process

The process of recycling these items is quite similar to the process of recycling everyday items. Here are some of the steps to follow:

  • Get a Free Appointment with a Recycling Company

The first thing you must do is identify what items are in your home. Most household items are recognizable, as well as smaller electronics such as cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, and even devices such as laptops and tablets. 

  • Gather the items

Gather all of these electronic items and then place them in a bin. Most people do not recycle their home electronics. Therefore you may want to ensure that your e-waste is organized and clean before it goes out for recycling.

  • Call a company for pick up.

Most companies will work with you if you have several electronics or even a large screen television that needs to be recycled. Once that is completed, arrange a date and time to pick up your e-waste.

  • Recycling the items

Once you have gotten your order for recycling completed, take all your items and put them on a large piece of paper or cardboard. Most companies will come with a rolling bin so they can easily grab the items without mixing them up with other electronics. 

  • Reworking the Materials

After your item is recycled, the material used to make that item will be put into a machine. From here, they will be ground and remade into another product. This process is called upcycling.

  • Do It Again

Once again, this product can be recycled again and again until it’s no longer usable. This allows you to feel good that the items you have given have been properly disposed of and can be used to create something new. 

Final Thoughts

There are many items in your home that you can recycle. Act now before it’s too late. Remember to keep items clean so that they aren’t mixed up with other electronics during the recycling process.

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