7 Tips For Solving Complex Business Problems


Your company’s success hinges on several aspects, including marketing, sales, human resource management, accounting, and customer support. In an ideal world, all these departments must work together harmoniously for your company to function without hiccups. But the actual situation is almost always the opposite. Every day brings new business challenges, necessitating new optimizations for your business.

Therefore, you should regularly consider your operations and strive to eliminate anomalies. But how exactly do you do that? Listed below are some ways to address complex business problems.

  1. Narrow down the problem

When something goes wrong in a business, it is tempting to start thinking immediately of ways to fix it. But that is not the best course of action. If you do not dive into the root cause of the issue, you might come up with a solution that will not work. It is because you may only be addressing the symptoms.

For example, if you notice a substantial dip in sales from new customers, your initial reaction could be to devise a marketing plan to boost brand exposure. However, what if this decline in sales is a symptom of something crucial such as poor quality or competitive pricing? So when observing a problem, you should make it a point to look at the bigger picture and examine it from several perspectives. Business analysts are often the go-to employees to identify business issues and develop workable solutions. You can hire a professional or provide learning opportunities such as an online masters in business analytics to an enthusiastic employee.

Once the issue has been diagnosed, be honest about the scale of the issue. A common human tendency is to downplay the gravity of a business problem while exaggerating the simplicity of a solution. S.

  • Do a SWOT Analysis

Good companies always address customer issues. What if, with a fresh perspective, the issue plaguing your company turns out to be a source of opportunity or even a source of strength? That is where conducting a SWOT analysis comes in handy.

SWOT analysis refers to the evaluation of a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Businesses employ this model for a host of reasons. However, it can also shed light on your firm’s inner workings and management. It assists you in determining the advantages and disadvantages of each operation across all departments.

  • Divide and conquer

The next piece of advice is to break down the problem into manageable parts and tackle each one separately. Consider the process of learning dance. We break down the entire dance into sections and sub-sections. We begin with a few steps, combine them into a small section of the dance, and, once mastered, we add more steps and move on to the next section.

In a business setting, this process is like creating issue trees. This method solves difficult problems by decomposing them into parts and sub-parts. Make sure the parts and sub-parts are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. In other words, sub-parts should not interact with one another.

The more independent the problem’s components are, the faster you can solve it. When components are incompatible, different relevant teams can focus on them independently.

  • Conduct market analysis

When confronting challenges, the worst thing you can do is ignore your competitors and isolate yourself from your customers. As you hit a snag, try recalling the time you dove headfirst into studying the market and your competitors. Contrary to the common assumption, businesses cannot consider market analysis a once-and-done thing.

There is no denying that market analysis is not a magic solution to all business problems. Business leaders can feel lost when faced with contradictory data. But it pays off in the end when you thoroughly understand your target audience. So take the time to listen to your clientele by conducting a survey and compiling a competitive analysis matrix.  

  • Apply the Design Thinking approach

Design Thinking has gone from being largely ignored to being recognized as a major force by publications like Forbes and Harvard Business Review. Human-centered and innovative design thinking employs the designer’s toolkit to balance human needs, technological possibilities, and commercial imperatives.

While conventional problem-solving entails a linear process of defining the issue and coming up with potential solutions, design thinking requires a more iterative approach. It encourages diverse people to work together to find solutions, resulting in many potential interpretations and perspectives. Empathize, ideate, prototype, and test are the core steps of this technique.  

  • Bring in your experience

Think back and see if there was ever a time when you faced a problem that was similar to the one you are facing now. That way, you may be able to make connections between various events. Assess how you dealt with a similar situation in the past and apply proven solutions to the current issue.

Let’s say you are promoting a new clothing line. In that case, you might consider executing the same marketing strategies, such as influencer marketing, social media ads, or magazine ads that previously ensured high ROI. By tapping into the tried-and-true tactics of past campaigns, the odds are, you might be able to lay the foundation of another successful marketing campaign.   

  • Get a facilitator involved

Bringing in a facilitator or expert will help you and your group work more effectively together to solve a difficult problem. A neutral facilitator can help your team stay on track, take accurate notes, and help with decision-making. If your group’s problem-solving abilities require some fine-tuning, maybe it is time to bring in a facilitator to your next meeting.


It is common to feel helpless in the face of business adversity. Fear, helplessness, and a lack of direction can slow your reaction time to confront the issue. But being proactive can help you take swift action. The tips mentioned above should help you navigate the next sticky situation you encounter while running your business.

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